My iPhone Application
Unfortunately discontinued due to lack of interest. I'm leaving the links up for nostalgia purposes for now.
Here is a link to my iPhone application Secure Channel
Secure Channel is a data encryption app that uses AES256 symetric encryption to allow you to encrypt arbitrary text data on iOS devices. More info over at
Interesting Links
A collection of links to sites I find interesting. The topics mostly center arount privacy and encryption applications.
Information Articles
PRISM Break - A great collection of privacy enhancing tools and applications. (this is kind of how I initially envisioned this site)
Encryption Works - Freedom of the Press Foundation guide to using cryptography.
Crypto Party Handbook - A gread crowd sourced document on using common encryption tools.
Crypto Party - A site on organizing gatherings to educate users on the use of encryption tools.
The Crypto Project - A new revived cypherpunk site
The Tor Project - A Tor page on verifying GPG signatures of files
Matasano Security - A great article on Javascript Cryptography
The Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF Defending our rights
Essential Crypto Software - install and learn to use these
AGP - Open PGP for Android
The Tor Project - The Onion Router main website
Truecrypt - The premiere opensource drive encryption tool.
GNU Privacy Guard - The standard open source Open PGP implementation
GPG Tools for Mac OSX - Mac OS GUI tools for GNUPG
iPGMail - PGP for iOS (closed source not free) - The most thorough iOS implementation of PGP
The Guardian Project - Site for several encryption applications for Android including Orbot (Tor for Android)
Mailvelope - A browser plugin to add Open PGP functionality to major webmail providers.
Enigmail - A plugin for Mozilla Thunderbird email client that integrates GNUPG making it a bit more user freindly.
I have not tested these yet ----
Mailpile -Browser based mail client with Open PGP built in - in development
I2P - Another anonymous darknet
OTR Off the Record messaging - Encrypted instant messaging
Specification Documents - must reads for implementors
Password Based Cryptography Standard Specification (PKCS #5) - How to compute passwords from user strings
AES Specification (FIPS 197) - The Advanced Encryption Standard specification document
OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880) - The message format specification for GNUPG and others
Cryptographic APIs - Always use a proven API when possible to avoid common errors
Bouncy Castle - Java Cryptography
KeyCzar - Google Crypto Library
CryptLib - Peter Gutman's Cryptlib
SQLCipher - Encrypted SQLLite database by Zetetic
Website stuff
Scriptaculous - Javascript UI library
Prototype - Javascript prototypes library
Lightbox2 - really neat Javascript image display script
Jquery - The premier Javascript UI and AJAX library
Neat Web Services
Cloud9 IDE - Online IDE mostly for websites
Shift Edit - Another online IDE mostly for websites
Github - free opensource code repository
Bitbucket - Another free online code repository
Upverter - Online hardware development, schematic diagram editing